
An ever-changing life inspired by the pneuma


Track running (August 23)

Filed under: Cass' training blog - martial arts, weights, running — feyMorgaina @ 13:27

Nathan and I did some more track running yesterday night.

We went running after I was done at the do jang. I took gumdo class (learned the next duelling technique), then taekwondo, so I was considerably tired. We did lots of kicking as usual, but were working on speed. So, doing some running afterwards was a bit hard, but manageable.

Nathan and I did two laps around the track together, taking a short break after the first lap then continuing. For a slow run, we did okay. We finished without feeling too exhausted. Nathan did two more laps on his own, I did one lap following him from behind because I wanted to take a little break so as not to push it too much. After he was done his two laps (half mile), I did a fast lap.

My time for the lap was 1 minute 52 seconds (for 400m), a little slower than last week (Wednesday), but I did pretty well this time. I didn’t get too exhausted before finishing and managed a steady pace the whole lap. 🙂 So, I guess the endurance is picking up a bit. I will have to keep on the endurance and hopefully the speed will come soon.

As I was a little tired from taekwondo already and as my legs were starting to cramp a little from the chill (I was wearing shorts, I will probably need to buy something longer soon so I don’t get too cold outside), I decided not to go for another lap. I actually needed to change back into my taekwondo pants to help warm up my muscles. Then Nathan and I started walking home. The walk home from the track after our running seems to help our muscless from cooling down too fast and helps keep them loose.

Today, I’m feeling pretty good. A little tired overall as I probably need some rest. So today just going to take it easy at the do jang. Today is patterns class and I think I will just go to the gym afterwards to do some weights. Tomorrow is more running.

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