
An ever-changing life inspired by the pneuma


Training Update – Do Jang Days

Filed under: Cass' training blog - martial arts, weights, running — feyMorgaina @ 01:17


This is just a quick update. Since I’ve been so busy writing lately, I haven’t gotten much training in. 🙁 I did get to the do jang last Monday for taekwondo. Then on Saturday was a black belt meeting, so I had to go to the do jang. We didn’t do much training and because I didn’t get enough sleep, I decided to head home. Next week, I’m hoping to get some more training in though it’s hard to do sometimes when my brain just has too much that needs to be written.

On a good note, I’m just about done writing my Reiki One manual. 🙂 There was much to write and I still have to review it and edit it.

Tomorrow is the start of a new week and hoping I can get some writing done as well as get some exercise. Around March I have to increase the amount of training because I have my black belt test in July. Intense training starts in May and I have to get up to speed again after taking some time off of regular training.

Brigid’s Flame