
An ever-changing life inspired by the pneuma


Do jang day – March 27, 2006

Filed under: Cass' training blog - martial arts, weights, running — feyMorgaina @ 12:45


I went to the do jang last night. Our track suits are finally in, so yay! I picked up mine. Cool. I need a track suit to go running in and I needed a new spring jacket. It’s black with my do jang crest on the front and red lettering on the back.

I took the 7 p.m. class and then took the half hour crazy kicking class after. I was so tired for some reason. My knee was bothering me a little. It’s strange but sometimes it’s easier just to do cardio kicks rather than the traditional martial arts style. 🙁 Overall, though I prefer the martial arts style because it’s about proper technique and not just speed. You can build speed after you get the techniques right. I’ve seen many people who have speed, but shoddy technique.

Today is a beautiful spring day. 😀 About time. I feel more awake and I need to get work done. Thus, I’m stuck at home working, but have the cats curled up beside me. Hehe… it’s actually a nice life.

Brigid’s Flame