
An ever-changing life inspired by the pneuma


Training update

Filed under: Cass' training blog - martial arts, weights, running — feyMorgaina @ 14:36


I went to the do jang for our black belt training again on Sunday (May 7). I was quite tired and sleepy. I don’t think I got much sleep on the weekend for some reason. It took me two days to catch up on sleep, and it is only today that I’m starting to feel “normal” – or at least less dazed and tranced.

Tonight, I should go to the do jang and get some more training in. I still need to get some more running in too, but I’m still a tad tired today. I can do one or the other today. I figure I need the do jang today more than the running. Maybe tomorrow if I’m not too tired. (I’ve been reading Battle Royale the past few days, and I’m finding hard to put the book down unless I just can’t keep my eyes awake. It’s a good book – highly recommended.)

Anyway, class tonight is at 7 p.m., and maybe I’ll get some gym time in after.

Brigid’s Flame