
An ever-changing life inspired by the pneuma


Allergies and Running in the Winter

Filed under: Cass' training blog - martial arts, weights, running — feyMorgaina @ 22:10

Anyone else have allergies and also do running in the winter?

I’ve noticed for a while now that when I haven’t been running regularly, then start up in the cold months, my allergies just kick my ass for running. It’s not that I’m tired or my cardio is bad (I have allergies year round, but in the late spring and summer, running is easier even if I haven’t been running consistently; and I generally do fine indoors during the winter at taekwondo), it’s that I have to keep stopping to blow my damn nose. The only problem with the breathing is that it feels like the congestion is frozen in my throat, so I end up brisk walking and doing deep breathing to clear up the congestion.

Otherwise, if I have been running regularly, running in the winter hasn’t been a huge problem for me. I avoid it when there’s ice (because of the dangers of slipping, twisting and aggravating a pre-existing injury) and slush (because I am susceptible to getting a little sick from cold, wet feet) though. Otherwise, if it’s not icy and the roads are clear I don’t mind winter running anymore than running on a hot, humid summer day. I just feel like I have to be more disciplined with running in the winter than the summer because my allergies will just kick my ass in the winter.

Anyway, I mention this in case anyone else has the same issues with allergies and winter running.

Here’s a link to an interesting discussion about winter running – I Hate Winter Running.

This article says to take your allergy medication before heading out for a run – Tips for Running with Seasonal Allergies. (I actually was thinking about taking my allergy medicine before heading out to the gym, but I wasn’t feeling particularly stuffed up from my allergies today and I wasn’t planning on running tonight. I only just felt like it after I did 20 minutes of cycling.)
