
An ever-changing life inspired by the pneuma


Sunday circle – January 21, 2007

Filed under: Paganism and Spirituality — feyMorgaina @ 02:45


Public ritual this past Sunday was a simple one. The primary purpose of it was to connect with the goddess and the god in by whatever names we know them. The format of the ritual was the standard Odyssean. The main part of the ritual was the reading of “The Charge of the Goddess” and “The Charge of the God”. Then the wine was blessed and shared with the participants. The participants were then anointed with oil. Laments as opposed to chants were used to create a mood and to fill in space where needed.

I particularly felt it was a good ritual – one of the better ones I’ve seen so far this year since I started as Summoner. That’s saying much, as I’ve often tuned out the ritual so as to keep an awareness out for any potential dangers or, since its indoors, people having any medical crises. Overall, I felt that we need to do more rituals like this where we are just connecting with deity. It can be a specific deity as well.

The only thing I must comment on that may have been a “bad” thing to happen was that the laments felt more like water and earth energy, even though laments were done for each element and during the sharing of the wine. This seemed to be contrary to the purpose of the ritual as the High Priestess said that the oil mixture she used was intended to be light and lift one’s spirit (something to that nature). Laments that felt more like water and earth energy might have conflicted with that intention. There may have been evidence of this in that some people felt like the energy was unusual or just pulled them down too much. (Of course, this was likely unintentional. My opinion is that the Bard may be unaware that the energy in her music is more often like water and earth energy. This seems to a common occurrence lately for some reason or other – perhaps for some people feeling calm and peaceful is exemplified in water and earth? I disagree with that because all the four elements can be calm and peaceful, but it may just be an instinctive reaction in some people.) An uplifting song was needed.

For my part, I was to get the people into a relaxed, almost meditative mood. It wasn’t a meditation ritual, but we wanted people to sit back and absorb what was happening in it. Thus, I had to get them to do some deep breathing before doing my Summoner’s Charge. I tried to convey a peaceful feeling in the charge that night. It seemed to have worked as people seemed fairly calm and relaxed going into circle. But, of course, that’s my biased opinion (I’m allowed though!)

All in all though, I felt the ritual was nicely performed by Priesthood. The god and goddess charges were beautiful, I’d love to hear those performed again.

Brigid’s Flame

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