
An ever-changing life inspired by the pneuma


Running a 10k


I’m not a running fan. I’ve always found it a little boring to just run, but as a new challenge for me and because I’ll have to do this next year to test for my 2nd dan black belt, I have to start training for a 10km run.

Now, this isn’t easy work. Professional athletes make it look easy. At the gym, I do the threadmill as a way to keep up my cardio on my days off taekwondo or when I feel I haven’t gotten a good cardio workout. So far, I’ve only been able to establish a 9.67 minute mile pace (i.e., running at 6.2 mph I finish a mile in just under 10 minutes) For a 10km run, that means I’ll finish in 1 hour (10 km = 6.2 miles). What this means is that I’ll have to increase my pace or I’ll be exhausted after an hour. Running at a faster pace is more efficient and better cardio-wise. (More on running, see Wikipedia article on “running”.)

To properly train for a 10k run, most sources say somewhere between 10 to 12 weeks consistent training is adequate to ensure completion of the run. This depends on who often you train – 3 or 4 times a week. Generally, less or more than that is not effective. Once or twice a week won’t get your cardio up as you have to constantly put the bar higher and more than 4 times a week doesn’t allow your body to properly rest after the strain you put on your body (most notably knees and ankles) from training. So not only do I have to put in my hours at the do jang (where I already put lots of strain on my knees and ankles from the kicking and bouncing) but I have to somehow fit running training in 3 times a week. (And let’s not talk about the work I actually should be doing… but hey, this all fits together… I can’t be an expert promoter of health and fitness if I’m not healthy and fit. Talk the talk. Walk the walk. Integrity – one of the taekwondo principles. See? That all relates.)

Aside from the above stated reasons for doing a 10k run, I also feel that the challenge is also a test of my spirituality. Being able to accomplish the run is all in the mind – ask the professional runners. The mind can make the body do what it wants it to. So, having set my mind to do this, I should have no problems completing the 10k. 🙂 However, my goal isn’t just completing the 10k run – it’s completing it and feeling great after. I don’t want to just complete it and then collapse right after. The goal is to complete it feeling exuberant and with a smile. (Perhaps I’ll be a running fan afterall… oh, little cynical other me voice in the head saying “Don’t push your luck.”)

But before all that happens, there’s the training. In the end though, I think it will be worth it. My spirit and soul will probably thank me (my body will thank me later I think after a good rest and lots of water!).

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Brigid’s Flame

P.S. Anyone have a good training plan (3 times a week), please post. Thanks.

1 Comment »

  1. […] I’m pleased that I was able to go through with the test after running a 10k. I’m happy about my performance on the run. When I read my first post about the 10k run, I recall how I wasn’t so sure if I would even like running. I tried it when I was younger and just couldn’t remain disciplined enough to keep training. Maybe it was because this time I had a goal and a purpose for running. I suppose I couldn’t run if it was just for running – the running had a purpose. Running has improved my abilities as a martial artist by increasing my cardio, strength, and endurance. I finished the 10k run in about 1 hour 11 minutes – this is pretty good for someone who doesn’t run for sport or competitively. I can also run 5.7 km in 35 minutes which is a definite improvement when before it took me 45 minutes to cover 5.5 km both walking and running (see my previous post on the trail run.) And I daresay, I showed my cynical side something – I actually like running now! There are days when I will want the run because it feels good to be outside with fresh air and sunshine. I always feel better after a run. […]

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