
An ever-changing life inspired by the pneuma


Upcoming calendar dates – Beltane to Midsummer

Filed under: Astrology,Paganism and Spirituality — feyMorgaina @ 16:21

Here are the upcoming calendar events and dates:

Today, May 5 – Beltane; 4th solar month in the Chinese calendar, Start of Summer segment
May 9 – full moon at 12:01 a.m. EDT; Flower Moon (folk name for the moon)
May 11 – Flowering month in the Lakota calendar
May 12 – Hawthorn month in Graves’ calendar
May 13 – Flowers month in Kondratiev’s calendar
May 21 – Grain Fills segment in the Chinese calendar (occurs when the Sun enters Gemini, which according to EDT occurs May 20 at 5:51 p.m.; the Chinese calendar is set for Chinese time, 13 hours ahead of ET)
May 24 – new moon at 8:11 a.m.; start of the 5th lunar month in the Chinese calendar, known as the Horse month in Chinese astrology
June 5 – 5th solar month in the Chinese calendar, Grain in Ear segment
June 7 – full moon at 2:12 p.m. EDT; Strong Sun Moon (folk name for the moon)
June 9 – Oak month in Graves’ calendar
June 10 – Fiery God month in Kondratiev’s calendar
June 11 – Drying Up month in the Lakota calendar
June 21 – summer solstice aka Midsummer aka Litha (occurs when the Sun enters Cancer); also noted as a solar segment in the Chinese calendar

It should be interesting to note that the names associated with the months around this time of the year are related to fruitfulness and fecundity (e.g. Flowering, Hawthorn, Flowers, Grain Fills, and even Flower Moon for the full moon). Then in June the names are related to heat and fire (e.g. Fiery God, Drying Up, and Strong Sun Moon for the full moon).

The next calendar update will be around the summer solstice.

Blessings for a bountiful spring!

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