Feel the Spark
The Flame catches
Fire Burns
Stay If You Will
Your Journey Begins...

Blessings and Welcome to Brigid's Flame!

Brigid's Flame represents a spiritual healing path. Some years ago I realized I was walking this path. Now I've decided to share my path with others. Of course, no person's spiritual path (even a healing path) is the same as any others, but that does not preclude the sharing of knowledge and wisdom which is gained along a spiritual path. Such is the purpose of Brigid's Flame - a sharing of knowledge and wisdom that I have gained along my own path so that others may learn what I have. Along the way, I hope you find the information in these pages insightful as well as useful. I hope that you find yourself incorporating some of the ideas, thoughts, and practices in your own life.

Brigid's Flame is first and foremost a healing path. The emphasis is on healing on all levels - physical, mental/emotional, and spiritual. This is a holistic approach to healing. This means that healing does not occur separate and apart from spirituality. It means that healing needs to occur on all levels. Full healing occurs when all three levels are balanced and healthy. This means that to truly heal, one's spiritual self needs to be healthy as well as one's mental/emotional self. Physical healing follows quickly when one's spiritual and mental/emotional self is healthy. The healing path of Brigid's Flame focuses on the spiritual and mental/emotional levels in order to bring healing to the physical. (At this point, I should post notice that I am NOT a licensed doctor or physician of any kind. Persons with serious illnesses and ailments should seek the advice of a professional medical practitioner.)

In addition to healing, Brigid's Flame is here to help one maintain good health and a general sense of well-being - again on all levels. I strongly encourage people to maintain good physical health by regular exercise and developing healthy eating habits. On a spiritual and mental/emotional level, I encourage people to explore those levels perhaps by meditation or by being creative or perhaps by receiving a reiki treatment (see below).

The services and information offered on Brigid's Flame deal with healing, health, and well-being.

Services currently offered are reiki treatments, reiki classes, and spiritual consultations.

I provide in-person and distance reiki treatments. Reiki treatments can be combined with aromatherapy and colour therapy. This involves using essential oils and specific colours during the reiki treatment. Basic chakra and aura work are performed with a reiki treatment. I do NOT perform advanced chakra and aura work. Please download my reiki brochure (in pdf format) for more information or click on "reiki treatments" above.

Reiki courses are now available for reiki levels one and two. Please see that web page for scheduled dates and times. Contact me regarding fees, location, and to register for a course. For more information about reiki, please use the menu to the right and visit my reiki section.

Spiritual consultation is conducted using tarot combined with astrology and/or numerology. The consultation may be enhanced with runes and/or the I Ching. Please note that I do not "predict" the future. I provide advice based on the interpretation of my readings. The future is never set in stone and can be changed depending on the actions and decisions a person makes.

All of my services are offered in the Toronto area, except for distance reiki treatments as reiki can be sent anywhere.

To contact me regarding any of these services, email "cchow at brigidsflame dot com" (sorry, no link as I don't want people using spambots to email me, but I expect any human can figure out what's my email address :p) clearly indicating which services you are interested in.

The information provided on Brigid's Flame so far is related to the services I currently offer. As well, I have written something about martial arts as it was and still is fundamental to my spiritual growth. Through this I hope to encourage others to consider the benefits a (any!) martial art has to offer. Spiritual development is written to provide people ideas on how to grow spiritually. I hope people find what is presented there to be insightful and interesting as well. I have presented some of my creative writing and visual artwork in that section as I have found creative work to be an excellent aid to spiritual growth. (Yes, I know this section needs to be worked on more! All in its own time.) It is the intent and purpose of Brigid's Flame to provide more information in the near and distant future, as Brigid's Flame is an ongoing project. In the future, I will be adding more information from spirituality to physical fitness and healthy eating.

Soon enough, the various pieces of what Brigid's Flame has to offer will form a complete whole - like the various threads of the web we weave that is life itself. Like that web, an understanding will come from that interconnection and inter-relatedness.

May Brighid bless you with good health and healing on your path!

Cass 크리스티나's bookshelf: currently-reading

The Last Command
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tagged: currently-reading
